I have to go to the hospital again, now what?

Are you hospitalised regularly admitted to the hospital or are you transferred to another hospital for rehabilitation?

You have to declare every new admission to Vanbreda, also in case of a transfer to another hospital.

Reimbursement in case of rehabilitation

Are you being transferred to a rehabilitation hospital? In some cases, your insurance will also cover expenses. There are, however, a number of conditions. For example, the rehabilitation institution must be recognised as a hospital. Admission to a convalescent home or a rest and care home for a short stay is not covered. Are you being transferred within the same hospital to the rehabilitation department? Inform Vanbreda as well in that case.

When you have declared your admission for rehabilitation, the medical adviser often asks for a detailed rehabilitation report in order to assess your file. We will always keep you informed about the processing of your application.

Declaration of serial daily admissions

Do you regularly have to go to the hospital for day care as part of a serial treatment? For daily admissions such as chemotherapy or kidney dialysis, you can declare several daily admissions within a certain period of time. That way, your file just continues. We will keep you informed of the approved period of your file.

Will you be admitted for an overnight stay during this period? Please report this hospitalisation separately, even if your admission is within the period of the approved daily admissions.
